Happy Drains Blog

Best Practices to Prevent Blocked Drains

Drains can be a bit of a bother when they don’t do what they’re designed for. Below are some good habits to put into practice to avoid blockages. That way, both you can your drains can both stay happy.

Drains are only for water

Drains are designed to get rid of water from the sink and nothing else, so before you go to wash your plates, it’s always best to scrap all food remnants into the bin. Any foreign matter, such as coffee grounds, lotion, and other liquids can clog up the drain pipes. It’s not common knowledge, but chemical sink cleaners can also contribute to clogging. Worst of all, they can potentially corrode the pipes which can cause leaking, and no one wants that.

Guard the drain hole

To properly protect your drain from food and other odd materials, keep it covered with a drain guard. That way nothing other than water should make it down the pipes. A guard is worth having in the kitchen where food waste can so easily slip into the drain, or the bath or shower to catch hairs and soap particles. To find one that’s right for your fixture, visit your local plumbing-supply store.

Keep the pop-up stopper clean

If you have a pop-up stopper in your bathroom basin, they can factor into sink blockage. Pop ups are very good at accumulating a build-up of soap scum and hair. Pull the stopper out of your drain regularly and give it a good clean as a preventative measure.

Different drain cleaning techniques

1.       Running hot water after every use at the sink helps flush the oils from food products down the drain. That way it won’t build up on the interior surface which causes clogging.


2.       Putting a handful of baking soda into the drain then hot water can also help. The baking soda can absorb any terrible odours as well as being a great cleaning agent.


3.       Pour a cup of vinegar in the drain then leave it for 30 minutes, followed by hot water. The acid in vinegar works as a wonderful organic cleaner that can remove crud in the pipes.


4.       Throw some salt and ½ cup of baking soda down the drain, add some vinegar then let it foam for a minute. Chase it down with 2 quarts of boiled water, after which leave the solution to sit overnight.


As you can see, drain maintenance doesn’t have to be tiring and difficult. A few simple additions to your cleaning routine can be just the thing to keep the clogging at bay. If you’d like more information, then feel free to contact us for some expert advice.


